• Sil vous plait venez votez pour moi sur le concours d'hiroto37 x)


    Jespere que vous viendrez m'encouragez en grand nombre ! ^^

    voici mon image pour le concour

    Votez pour moi !


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  • Concour de Chachoune11

    Mes Créa pour des concours ;)

    Mes Créa pour des concours ;)

    Concour d'Hiroto37

    Mes Créa pour des concours ;)

    7 commentaires
  • WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW :) J'adoree tellement ce générique de Uta no prince-sama *O* la chanson est génial et le opening est très bien penser ^^ Regardez le et donnez moi votre avis ;)


    Une saison 2 :O
    La saison 2 de Uta no Prince-sama sortira en Aout 2012 ^^

    15 commentaires
  • Heart of Marionette (Miki)


    Yakusoku (Chihaya)

    Celle la elle m'en a donner la chaire de poule surtout quand Chihaya commence a chanter *O* Si vous avez vu l'anime The Idolm@ster vous comprendrez un peu plus et vous serez plus toucher (Chihaya n'arrive pas a chanter parce qu'elle croit que c'est de sa faute si son petit frère est mort)

    10 commentaires
  • WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW j'ai tout simplement adoré ce MANGA... jai bien précisé le manga U-U j'ai été un peu décu de la infidélité de l'Anime au Manga :( sincinrement je vous conseil de lire le manga (conseil d'Amie)^^ 

    En plus, l'histoire du manga est différente de l'anime apres quelques épisodes parce que la mangaka (Arina Tanemura, qui a aussi réaliser The gentlemen's alliance cross et kamizame kaitou jeanne) avait prévu au debut de faire un petit one shot et de le publier dans le magazine Ribon... ensuite il y a eu des studio qui ce sont interesser a son oeuvre, donc il l'on mis en anime. Le probleme cest que cest le studio qui a inventer le reste de l'histoire... ensuite Arina (la mangaka) a décider de continuer son manga et elle l'a fait avec sa propre idée et non celle de l'anime, donc cest logiquement different U-U Par exemple dans l'Anime Meroko devient un ange mais dans le manga elle reste une shinigami et vit heureuse en étant la partenaire d'Izumi (dont elle est amoureuse xD)... il y a plein dautres exemple concret comme cela qui rendent meilleur le manga que l'Anime U-U

    De plus, le manga est vraiment mieu puisqu'il est beaucoup plus sérieux et aussi il y a beaucoup de suspence (HAHAHAHA par exmple moi qui est dans ma chambre en train de lire le manga de full moon... et la japprends quelques chose de choquant (genre Eichi est mort -.-) et la je suis sous le choc) Moi ce manga fait parti de ce qui mon le plus toucher et ou jai été tres sentimentale... En fait cest tres riche en emmotions U-U Booon je vais m'arreter d'écrire sinon je nen finirais jamais ^^'

    BREEEEEF, Je crois... non je suis sure que vous devriez lire le manga puis ensuite si vous voulez regarder l'anime :P moi personnelement j'ai adoré le manga.... x)

    Texte SUPER interessant sur les difference entre l'Anime et la manga de full moon pour ce qui comprennent l'anglais ^^

    Differences between anime and manga

    Because the manga continued to be written after the anime series completed, the plots of the manga and anime take different paths after the point of Mitsuki's first singing audition. The two stories share common themes, but events develop differently as the series advances, and some of the characters in the anime have different histories and personalities from their manga counterparts.

    For example, in the manga, Mitsuki is never allowed to go to school, while in the anime, Mitsuki attends middle school regularly, and many episodes involve her interactions with classmate friends.

    Also, in the anime, Mitsuki tries to convince Oshige and Wakaoji that Fullmoon is her "older sister." However, by episode 19, Mitsuki decides to end the charade, admitting to Oshige and Wakaoji that Mitsuki and Fullmoon are one and the same, and that she changes via Takuto's and Meroko's magic. She proves this by performing a transformation in front of them (much to their astonishment), and Wakaoji and Oshige become friends with Takuto and Meroko for the rest of the series. By contrast, in the manga, no human other than Mitsuki knows about the shinigami in detail. Oshige and Wakaoji eventually deduce Mitsuki is also Fullmoon, but they never know specifically how that was accomplished. In only one frame do they mention a time when Mitsuki told them of shinigami, and Wakaoji says simply, "I believe her."

    Mitsuki's love for Eichi plays a lead role in her quest to be a singer. When she was 10 years old, she fell in love with Eichi, who was then 16 years old (anime); he was 14 in the manga (relationships with that age difference are allowed in Japan). She wishes to be a singer because she thinks her songs will reach America, where Eichi lives, and will recognize her. However, in the manga, Takuto finds out that Eichi died in a plane crash the day of his departure and Mitsuki knew all along and pretended that he was still alive. In the anime, she goes to America to meet a doctor who might treat her illness and uses the chance to track down Eichi's adoptive family, who tell her that Eichi died in a car accident two months after moving. In both versions, she becomes emotionless and blames herself for his death. In the anime, she is so depressed that she gives up singing, refuses to eat and sleep, stares at a photo of her and him, and considers suicide. In the manga, she continues with singing but does so so that she can exhaust herself to death and "go to the world Eichi is at". At the end of both versions, with the help of her friends, she realizes that Eichi would have wanted her to live and fulfill her dreams, so she continues singing and fulfills her promise to him.

    In the manga, Takuto is more blunt about his feelings for Mitsuki, even forcibly kissing her and trying to force himself on her. Mitsuki becomes more aware of her feelings for him earlier and even goes on a date with him. At the end, he awakens from a coma (he wasn't really dead) and reunites with Mitsuki three years later. While in the anime, he holds back his feelings for her and doesn't confess until her final concert. At the end, he is granted a second chance to live and has no memories until Mitsuki calls for him and seems to realize who she is.

    In the manga, Meroko still has feelings for Izumi, who is more open about his love for her. Izumi is also more amusing and teasing than his cold and cynical self in the anime. Meroko accepts that she loves Izumi and they become partners again in the manga, while their relationship is left uncertain in the anime.

    In the manga, Mitsuki is cured of her illness by her frequent transformations, which lessened her cancer, after she agrees to take the surgery. In the anime, Mitsuki takes the surgery after her final concert and it successfully allows her to keep her voice.

    In the anime, there was a difference between an angel and a shinigami (death gods). Meroko, who was previously a shinigami, was promoted to an angel when she was willing to exchange her own life for Takuto's. While in the manga, both entities were one and the same. Mitsuki relieves them of their shinigami title by reclassify them as angels.


    Ps: maintenant je comprend pourquoi les dessins des manga de full moon wo sagashite et the gentlemen's alliance cross ce ressemble tellement.... c'est la meme mangaka qui les a dessiner xD (Quelle baka je fait x)

    By Mangagirlkarin <3

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